A team-based approach is fundamental to most modern organisations. The reliance upon teams to drive change and innovation is but one example! Now more than ever, people need to have “Teamship Skills” which are on par with their functional/technical skill sets, however many have had little training and coaching in this important core area.
When the fundamental outcomes of team building have been achieved, the second phase of team development will accelerate your team’s journey toward peak performance. A team development program will provide the teamship skills and operational framework for individuals and the team to reach its full potential. Whilst every program is designed specifically to match the needs of each team, some key components of our team development programs include:
- A Process for Teamwork – The Team Wheel
- The Team Make Up – Work Style Preferences
- Working with Difference – Interpersonal Skills
- Team Balance
- Operational Framework – The Team’s Charter
1. A Process for Teamwork – The Team Wheel
Motivation to achieve is not enough! Teams need a process to help them work together more effectively in solving problems and making the best decisions. The Team Wheel has nine key functions that are critical for achieving high performance. The wheel ensures that the team takes a balanced approach in all that it does, avoiding costly rework and frustration.
2. The Team Make Up
At the teambuilding stage people are just getting to know each other. They will be aware of different personalities in the team, but will lack a framework by which they can understand these differences in more depth. Using a work style diagnostic questionnaire, the second phase of the Team Wheel identifies the preferences an individual has for the key functions. Coupled with another diagnostic which measures people’s approach to change (QO2) these comprehensive personal profiles raise self-awareness and provide a common language whereby team members may openly express and celebrate the diversity within their team.
3. Working with Difference – Interpersonal Skills
Awareness of difference is the first step, the challenge is to develop the skills to connect with people of quite different styles/approaches to your own. Equipping people with Pacing Skills ensures that misunderstanding and conflict is replaced with synergy and support.
4. Team Balance
By combining individual profiles we can produce an overall team profile which when reviewed within the context the team’s purpose, will highlight team strengths and weaknesses. With the assistance of a skilled facilitator, the team will develop strategies to address weaknesses and maximize strengths.
5. Operational Framework – The Team’s Charter
Okay, we now have good understanding of who we are and how to pace each other plus the team wheel to give us a systematic approach to problem solving and decision making, but how will the team operate? Through a series of workshops the team develops its own Team Charter. Content may vary according to each team, however areas typically included are:
- What’s our role? – Team Role Statement
- What are we trying to achieve? – Team Vision/Mission Statement
- How will we treat each other? – Team Values/Supporting Behaviours
- How and with whom shall we communicate? – Communication Strategy
- How will we track our performance? – Performance Management System
Teams will be at different stages of development and hence have different needs. Following an assessment with you we will design a program ranging from 1 – 5 days.
An offsite residential format is preferable for the two and three day programs which use an indoor/outdoor format incorporating experiential activities to assist comprehension of the Team Wheel Concepts. Outdoor activities also have a strong bonding effect and accelerate the teambuilding process.
If you are interested in our team building / teamship facilitation services, please send your inquiry using the form below.
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